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제품 정보

Our diffractive optics can provide speckle free beam after optical fiber beam delivers and we can build up over CW 100W 450nm illluminator with pulse modulation up to 100kHz. Application; Coherence Illuminatior for microhair-line as nano scale, Biomedical RNA crosslinking, New Material Heat Treatment, White Light with phosporus.


White Light Illuminator with phosporus 

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<본사> 경기도 용인시 수지구 동천동 899 분당수지 U-Tower 1301호 | TEL. 031)8019-8055 | FAX. 031)8019-8058

<도로명 주소> 우편번호 16827 | 경기도 용인시 수지구 신수로 767(동천동) U-Tower 1301호 |

E-mail : laserlab@laserlab.co.kr | 사업자번호 : 138-81-34968

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