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제품 정보

Ruby was the first solid-state laser material-- demonstrated by Ted Maiman in 1960. With two broad absorption bands it is conveniently pumped with flash lamps producing pulsed deep red laser light at 694.3nm. Ruby is one of the most robust solid-state laser materials with a thermal shock resistance three times that of Nd:YAG.
Ruby’s wavelength makes it ideal for medical applications such as hair and tattoo removal. 

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Standard Model & Spec

Item name wavelength dimension surface flatness coating 카트 담기 download
Ruby – Cr3: Al2O3 694nm Dia 7mmX125mm long Flat/Flat AR/AR 카트 아이콘

스펙 설명

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<도로명 주소> 우편번호 16827 | 경기도 용인시 수지구 신수로 767(동천동) U-Tower 1301호 |

E-mail : laserlab@laserlab.co.kr | 사업자번호 : 138-81-34968

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